Friday, June 29

Moving on to the Next Phase....

At what point in life do you move to the next phase?  Is it when you feel you are not making a difference or do you go where you are led?  I am a natural nurturer so that means I need to take care of things, help people, or serve where the need is great.  When I was a little girl I always wanted to be a social advocate to help people.  I want people to know they have options to become the best person they can be.    I started making YouTube videos of my weight loss journey to help people to understand that with determination and passion you can get healthy and achieve any of your goals.  
Some try to be all dramatic, some want to put a mask over obesity, and some want to act like being unhealthy is just the way of life.  To me it is more than just weight loss, it is about education, loving yourself, sharing and caring for yourself and others.  When I started sharing my videos it was so much love, sharing, caring and information being shared.  I felt there was a true camaraderie being built; we were fighting the fight and winning.  Then the climate changed.  The true crusaders were being silenced by hecklers, bets were being taken to see who would fail, and there was a small percentage trying to persecute those who really cared.  Some of the foot soldiers retired, some are trying to hang on, and some fell by the wayside.
I will continue to make videos but I can admit I do get tired of the hecklers, the kitchen shrinks, and the people that just try to abort your mission.    Losing 120 lbs lets me know that I am resilient so I will continue to fight a good fight.  I do however; know when to move on so I will be blogging more and vlogging less publicly.  I have a lot to say and I am going to say it.