Sunday, May 6

How to Lose Weight and Be Successful in the Long Term

1.  Be mentally ready to begin the journey.
Most when starting a lifestyle change do the opposite, they start making the physical strides like going to the gym, changing their eating habits or even working out at home but never take the time to ask themselves if they are mentally ready.
 Questions to ask yourself:
 How do I feel about making this change?
Have I thought about how to sustain this lifestyle change?
Have I thought about how this making this decision will benefit me and/or my family?

2.  See the overall big picture.  This will help you to determine how this decision will benefit you in the long run or effect your life.  Make sure to have a plan.
Do an assessment of resources are available to you.  For example, if you are not able to afford a gym does your library allow the checking out of DVDs or VHS cassettes?  Is there a health club based on your income you can join?
If you have underlying issues that may interfere with your journey you may need some talk therapy to help.
Need help?  Just ask.  Your family and friends may love being a part of  your journey.

3.  Think Your Plan Through Carefully.
    Write down your plan and read over it to make sure it is realistic.  Losing 100 lbs in a 3 month period may not be realistic but losing 1-2 pounds a week may be.  No one has to know      what the plan is but you if necessary.  You can discuss with a friend or someone who will give you helpful, non-judgmental criticism if you would like but make sure they are able to help not hinder.

4.  Execute your Plan SLOWLY.
 Making a lifestyle change is not a race and does not need to be completed by a certain date.  This is not to be confused with goal setting.  Most will not agree with that but to some goals= stress and pressure.  Some may shut down or get so wound up in setting goals they never start.
 It is not necessary to put yourself in a box.  It is fine to be broad at first that way you will have room for improvements and tweaks to your plan.  Being so strict that you have not flexibility may hinder your growth.  When you do reach a milestone then you can revisit your plan for tweaking.

5.  Have a Plan for Damage Control.
 Many leave that part out of there plan and are caught like a deer in headlights when they have a bad day, surprise work lunch, or social gatherings.  You cannot cut yourself off from the world because you are on a weight loss journey nor do you want to be cut off.  If you have a bad day make sure to have a plan of action of what you can do to relieve stress.  You may can work out, write in a journal, take a bubble bath or long hot shower.  If there is a social gathering find a low calorie item that will fit into your calorie budget as most restaurants have their nutrition facts available on the website or menu.

6.  Don’t try to be perfect, be flexible.
Do not have an all or nothing attitude as it may hinder your progress or stifle your drive.  Everything is not in black and white there are gray areas.  Not being flexible is a recipe for failure.

7.    Remember that your journey is your own.
As no one can take a single step for you, do not let one dictate your journey.  It is fine to seek advice and take suggestions from others but do not get discouraged if your journey does not got the same as theirs.  People are different not all outcomes are the same.  Realizing that will save you many headaches and disappointments later.

Be a Sponge.
Take in all the information you can from reliable sources, avoid fad diets, and research.  They kill your metabolism and you do not learn proper nutrition and portion control.  Make sure to use your resources to the fullest.  They are there to help and want to help.


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